This past month wasn't quite as busy as the previous one, but it has proved to be a big stepping stone in my Achilles rehab. I have noticed a substantial shift in the right direction. My running mileage is starting to increase, pain is lessening, and starting to lose some weight.
To start, it's finally nice to be running some type of mileage where I feel like I'm getting in some training. As I foreshadow through this upcoming month, I'm excited to see how things go. Since I'm running more, I also get to cross-train less. This is a good thing.
My medial pain is significantly better than it was a month ago. I also feel like I'm getting stronger. I really hope things continue to head in this direction. I have been doing my best with the PT. I spend about 1 hour each night strengthening and stretching. 2x(Eccentric heel drops (80), double leg heel raises (40), single leg heel raises (25 each leg), single leg squats (3x9 on the 3 different planes for 81 total), balancing for 1 min (on each foot) on an inflatable balance pad) + Theraband work (100 planter, 80-100 on each side, 100 circles, 150 dosiflex)+2x(2:30 double leg heel raises off a step, 3:00 of calf stretch just letting my heels drop below my forefoot (use the bob for both of these) + 3x(1 min wall calf stretch straight leg, 1 min wall calf stretch bent leg) + Foam Roll (glutes, calves, hamstrings, quads). In bed, I usually use the stick (calves, quads, hamstrings, shins), rope stretch the hamstrings, and self-message/graston with a butter knife (graston everyother day) for 10 minutes. Depending upon time, I also will add in hip stretches, core, push-ups, leg swings, other theraband work (Flexor digitorum longus home exercise), etc. It seems like a rather extensive routine, but I've gotton used to it. My main problem is, something I don't have enough time to do everything. For the most part, I've done a good job keeping up with it.
Over the past month, I've been making a conscious effort to eat healthier and lose some weight. I am definitely not where I need to be, but it takes time, and I feel like I'm headed in the right direction. Hopefully if I continue to make healthy food choices and up my mileage the lbs will continue to shed, and I'll get back into shape.
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