Saturday, November 1, 2014

4 Month Post-Op

I know I haven't been updating the blog as much...mainly because there hasn't been much to report.

Overall, things seems to be heading in the right direction.  The PT is going well, and I seem to be managing the elliptical.  Initially, I was not a fan of the elliptical.  It was pretty rough at first, but now that I've gotten used to it, I don't mind it as much.

As for the PT...I have a pretty consistent routine.  For the past several weeks, each night I do 20 eccentric heel drops, 20 heel raises (with both feet), 10 one footed heel raises.  I repeat this entire sequence a second time.  I then balance on 1 foot for 90 seconds on a balance disc.  After that I do a standing calf-stretch (against a wall) for about 45 seconds.  I then proceed to the thera-band.  I do about 100 planter flexion, 60 inversion, 60 eversion, 60 circle clock-wise, 60 circle counter-clock-wise.  Before bed, I usually massage it for about 7 minutes.  Over the past several weeks, I've make a point to increase some of the PT excersies.  For example, I am not able to do some of the heel raises while wearing a backpack with 10-15lbs worth of weight.

My main concern over the past 6 weeks has been the medial pain.  On Sept 24th, I went to the doctor, and he made it sound like the pain was pretty much normal.  Since then, I haven't been too concerned, but it still does bother me.  In mid-to-late October, I felt like there was a little bit of a break through were the pain was substantially less.  Since then, it has come back (to a degree), but it does seem to be getting better.  It has it's good and bad days.

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