Sunday, November 30, 2014

New Toy - Elliptigo

I've been looking for an elliptigo for a little while now.  I was searching craigslist and found one for sale in Valpo.  I ended up purchasing an elliptigo 3c.  I'm pretty excited about using it as a way to cross train.  Not only now, but also after I get healthy.  I know it's starting to get cold out, so I'm not entirely sure how much I'll get to use it in the near future.  Hopefully I'll be able to use it a couple of times before the snow comes.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Weekly Training Update (Nov 24th - Nov 30th)

Mon - 70 min elliptical (new PR)

Tues - 65 min (rough...I think I was tired from yesterday)

Wed - 60 min elliptical

Thurs - 45 min aquajog

Fri - 65 min elliptical (53 min normal elliptical (6 miles)...12 min AMT (adaptive motion trainer. Open Stride.)

Sat - 65 min elliptical (50 min normal elliptical (6 miles)...15 min AMT (adaptive motion trainer. Open Stride.)

Sun - off

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Rescheduled Doctors Appointment & Cybex Test

I was originally scheduled to have my 6 month post-op appointment in mid-January.  However, my insurance is changing at the beginning of the year, thus making it smarter for me to have the appointment in December.  I am also scheduled to take a cybex test.  This is the first time I have heard of a cybex test, and I'm still not entirely sure as to what it entails.  When I googled it, most of the info that popped up was related to NFL testing.  It appears as though it is a way for me to test the strength of my Achilles.  I guess I'll find out December 17th.  After the cybex test, I will see Dr. Porter.

When I talked with Angela about rescheduling my appointment, I also mentioned the medial heel pain that I am still having.  She gave me the green light to continue with the cross training and PT as long as the pain does not increase, and that is goes back to baseline the next day.  That being said, I am still going to wait on the running, but it helped give me a little direction.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Weekly Training Update (Nov 17th - Nov 23rd)

Mon - 55 min elliptical (6.2 miles...solid workout.  felt good.)

Tues - 55 min elliptical (6 miles)

Wed - 50 min aqua jogging (20x30 hard/30 sec easy)

Thurs -60 min elliptical (7 pr)

Fri - 55 min elliptical (6 miles)

Sat - off

Sun -45 min bike (13 miles)

Sunday, November 16, 2014

5x50min of Elliptical (in 1 week)

This week I accomplished a fairly significant task.  I ellipticalled for 50 min, 5 days out of the week.  I have built upto this over the past 2 months.  The reason this is a big deal is because this is what I was supposed to accomplish prior to being cleared to start running again.

Despite my milestone, I am hesitant to start running because of the medial pain I am still experiencing.  I am going to reach out to Porter to see if he has any insight on how to best proceed.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Weekly Training Update (Nov 10th - Nov 16th)

Mon - 55 min elliptical

Tues - 50 min elliptical

Wed - 50 min elliptical

Thurs - 30 min aquajog

Fri - 60 min elliptical (6.5 miles)

Sat - off

Sun -55 min elliptical (6 miles)

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Weekly Training Update (Nov 3rd - Nov 9th)

Mon - 50 min elliptical

Tues - 45 min elliptical

Wed - off

Thurs -50 min elliptical

Fri - 55 min elliptical (new PR...5.85 miles)

Sat - IL State Meet - lots of walking

Sun - 10 miles on the bike at the Y (35 min)

Saturday, November 1, 2014

4 Month Post-Op

I know I haven't been updating the blog as much...mainly because there hasn't been much to report.

Overall, things seems to be heading in the right direction.  The PT is going well, and I seem to be managing the elliptical.  Initially, I was not a fan of the elliptical.  It was pretty rough at first, but now that I've gotten used to it, I don't mind it as much.

As for the PT...I have a pretty consistent routine.  For the past several weeks, each night I do 20 eccentric heel drops, 20 heel raises (with both feet), 10 one footed heel raises.  I repeat this entire sequence a second time.  I then balance on 1 foot for 90 seconds on a balance disc.  After that I do a standing calf-stretch (against a wall) for about 45 seconds.  I then proceed to the thera-band.  I do about 100 planter flexion, 60 inversion, 60 eversion, 60 circle clock-wise, 60 circle counter-clock-wise.  Before bed, I usually massage it for about 7 minutes.  Over the past several weeks, I've make a point to increase some of the PT excersies.  For example, I am not able to do some of the heel raises while wearing a backpack with 10-15lbs worth of weight.

My main concern over the past 6 weeks has been the medial pain.  On Sept 24th, I went to the doctor, and he made it sound like the pain was pretty much normal.  Since then, I haven't been too concerned, but it still does bother me.  In mid-to-late October, I felt like there was a little bit of a break through were the pain was substantially less.  Since then, it has come back (to a degree), but it does seem to be getting better.  It has it's good and bad days.