Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Surgery Day - Tuesday, July 1, 2014 (Day 1 Recap)

It's been a long time coming, but the day finally arrived (Tuesday, July 1st).  I was excited, nervous, and hungry (you are not allowed to eat after midnight the night before the surgery).  The surgery was originally scheduled for 3:00pm, and I was scheduled to arrive 1:00pm.  The morning of, I received a phone call from the surgery center asking if I could get there early because they were hoping to run ahead of schedule.  Jodi and I arrived around 12:15.  Upon our arrival, Jodi and I checked in with the receptionist and were asked to head over the "store" where I got crutches, a boot, and a cyro cuff.  After that, we were then instructed to have a consultation with the finance department; I signed a few papers, and we waited about 5 minutes before we were escorted to the second floor by a nurse.  Jodi was kept in the lobby area, and I was brought into a staging room (Jodi was later brought in to be with me).

In the staging room I soaked my foot, and answered several health related questions.  I then had by right leg shaved up to my mid-calf, and also had an IV placed into my arm.  Jodi was brought in and we waited for about 10 minutes until the surgeon (Dr. Porter) came in to share a few final things.  He went over what was going to happen, and asked me to identify where the pain was (he marked that spot on my foot).  Before he left Dr. Porter said a prayer.  A few minutes later the anesthesiologist came in and talked with me a for a few minutes.  About 5 minutes later (roughly 1:30) the nurse came in and we walked to the operating room.

The OR reminded me of something out of a science-fiction show.  I really don't remember much, but everything was mostly white, and there were about 5 nurses/assistants.  They had some 80s-esc rock music playing.  There was a little bit of small talk, and then I laid face down on the operating table/bed and positioned myself so I was comfortable.  I believe they were starting to strap me down when then the anesthesiologist said "2 margaritas coming up"...I was out.

Around 3:00pm I came to, and found myself in a bed (back propped up) with my foot in a boot.  The nurse was monitoring my pulse and filling me in on a few things.  I remember there was a bunch of beeping because my pulse was too low, and it was warning the nurse.  She explained that there really wasn't a problem, and that I just have a low pulse due to running.  I remember briefly talking with the anesthesiologist, and also Dr. Porter.  Everyone seemed like it went well.  To be honest, I really don't remember much.  I was still kinda out of it.  I was in no pain.  I also took 2 norco (pain killers).

Around 3:30ish I was put in a wheel chair and wheeled out to Jodi's SUV for the ride home.  I slid into the back seat, and we drove home.  One the way back we stopped at Wendy's and I got a snack wrap, fries, and Dr. Pepper.  This was my first time eating since 10:00pm the previous night.

When we got back home I set up camp on the futon while Jodi went out to get some ice and filled the prescriptions.  I really didn't do much the rest of the day; other than watch some Netflix.  I really like the cyro cuff; it the cold feels good on around my Achilles/ankle.  To sleep, I transferred to Ryan's room.  The first night wasn't too bad.  I did sleep in the boot.  I'd been taking my meds on a regular basis, and really wasn't in too much pain.  Hopefully a speedy recovery is in store.

Below are two pictures Jodi took of my Achilles before.  Yes, the first one is upside down.

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