Friday, July 4, 2014

1st Dressing Change - Thursday, July 3, 2014 (Day 3 Recap) - pics

Last night was rough.  I'm not entirely sure why my foot hurt so much, but it did.  It was just a constant ache/burn.  I stayed up for a fair amount of the night and watched Netflix to distract the pain.  Eventually, I was able to manage things, and got some sleep.

The day went much better than the night.  It really seems like the cyro cuff really makes my foot feel better (I do not wear it when I sleep).  I spent a majority of the day on the futon.  My parents were kind enough to come visit and help me.  We ordered some pizza and spent some time catching up.

Today was my first dressing change, and thus the first time I got to see the incision.  My mom was a big help with the dressing change.  I started with cutting off the sock and the cotton wrap.  I then peeled away the last gauze pad protecting the incision.  The wound actually looked pretty good.  It seemed to be responding well to the recovery.  We poured hydrogen peroxide over the wound and then I rinsed off in the shower.  More hydrogen peroxide was then applied and band aids were then placed on the wound, and the new special sock was put on.  The wound itself didn't look too bad, however, I was surprised at how swollen my ankle appeared.  It felt really nice to rinse off in the shower.

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