Sunday, September 21, 2014

First Time in the Pool...New Pain Still Bothering Me

It's been an eventful couple of days.  I've been able to get on the elliptical for 3 days (10 min each time) (wed, thurs, and fri), and everything felt good.  Yesterday, was the New Prairie Invite.  It was a long day, and a lot of walking around.  I wore my boot, and I'm glad I did.  Today I went to the Y and aqua jogged for 10 min.  This was my first time since the surgery, and it felt good.  It felt the same as my other foot.

I am a little concerned that the inside (left) part of my heel is still bothering me.  The pain seems to have transferred to that area.  It's been about a week now.  The pain is more towards the base of the heel (I'm guessing it's were the Achilles attaches to the base of the heel, but towards the inside part of the heel.  I have notice that after walking around or doing the PT, it the pain moves north to just below/on insertional point (but on the inside/left).  The pain feels similar to the pain I had on the other side.  For what it's worth, the part of the Achilles that used to hurt feels great.

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